Research blog 3 : Impact on society

Candy crush is a game that has been played worldwide. It is being played by kids, teenagers and adults. It is one of the popular games in the puzzle video games category. It has many benefits but along with the benefits like how it increases your mindset. There are some bad impacts of the game too. . In the following, I will discussing the good and bad impacts of the game on society.

Good Impact

The first impact is that it gives your positive thoughts. Because when you start to play the game and the game has colourful candies it automatically changes your mind. Our minds mostly get attracted by colours and unique things we have not seen before. For instance, when you are playing the game, your attention is diverted towards the game. You get into the game and accept the challenge as each level demand is increased and becomes more challenging. Thus, it shifts you away from negative thoughts and makes you think more about the games and the colours you see. It also helps you to learn and control your behaviour as while playing you get peace and can avoid the negativity happening around you. Therefore, playing the game can give people positive thoughts and divert their minds to good things.

The second impact is that it increases sociability. The developers have included a function where you can connect the game with your Facebook account. It helps you to know which level your friends are at! you can also ask for extra lives from your friends. The special thing about the game is that it not only you to your friend’s candy crush but also strangers. It helps to build a friendship among players. It leads to having more engagement in the game. Players can help each other by sending the game gifts to the friends through their social media account. Thus, the game community becomes great as everyone in the game helps each other by offering the help that is possible. There, the game helps to increase sociability.

Bad impacts

However, there are some bad impacts too.

The first impact is that addiction as I have mentioned in my blog post 2 in detail. It trains your mind and tricks you to be eager to accept the challenge given. The developers deliberately make the upcoming level a little harder than the previous one and the next one becomes a little easier. The trick makes people engage with the game and continue to play. Some play sits to play for 30 minutes to kill their spare time but they end up playing for a longer time as the challenge makes you eager to take and complete the challenge. Therefore, it makes you want to win and it makes the people neglect their work.

The second impact is that it manipulates players. For instance, when the players lost their all lives and not any friends are willing to offer you another life. The developers have created a function that allows people to buy lives with money to continue to play for curiosity to solve the next level. People may stop playing when they lost all the lives but they all make the pop-ups to show the banner and ask to buy lives. There is another function that is called the “game of luck”. In that function, you have to spin a wheel and it is your luck that you will be rewarded. It seems like gambling to get the reward. Therefore, the developers have a trick to manipulate people and they get tangled by it.

To sum up, The game has good and bad impacts. People need to be aware of the developer’s tricks to avoid getting addicted to the game. if people are aware of manipulation then it is a really good initiative to play this game and train your mindset.


Smith, D. (2020, April 16). This is what Candy Crush Saga does to your brain. Retrieved from

Sweney, M. (2020, April 16). More than 9m play Candy Crush for three hours or more a day. Retrieved from

Published by Kaur Chaman


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